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Princessville Cemetery Workshop

When: Saturday, July 20th, 9 am – 1 pm (may end earlier)

Where: Princessville Cemetery (Princeton Pike near Lewisville Rd.)

Conducted by:  Richard Grubb & Associates

Parking: Please park at the 1761 Brearley House down Meadow Rd. and walk back to the cemetery. Limited parking will be available in the small Maidenhead Meadows Park lot on Princeton Pike across from Z Food Farm. Do not park on Meadow Rd.

Registration: The workshop is free but registration is required. RSVP by calling or texting 609-895-1728 or email

At the Workshop You Will:

  • Discover a brief history of the community, property, and Princessville Cemetery. Attendees will receive handouts outlining history of the area and the property.

  • Take a tour of the property.

  • Learn about historic cemeteries in New Jersey and place the Princessville Cemetery in context.

  • Explore the previous damage and conservation work of the Princessville Cemetery.

  • Get the guidelines, methods, and resources for cleaning and re-setting headstones, as well as recommendations for continued conservation of the Princessville Cemetery.


This workshop is funded by a Certified Local Government Grant from the New Jersey State Historic Preservation Office received by Lawrence Township to conduct the Princessville Archaeological Survey.

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