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Junior Historians of Lawrence Township
​The Junior Historians is the student chapter of the Lawrence Historical Society. It is open to all high school and middle school aged children throughout the township, regardless of whether they are attending public or private school.
The idea for creating the student chapter was originally proposed by two students from Lawrence High School, Julia Ciccone and Nate Kunkel. “History doesn’t have to be boring,” explained Ciccone. “Students who join should find this really interesting. I think we’ll be able to have some cool projects and speakers. Plus, we’ll have some volunteer opportunities, so it’ll be a chance for students to complete their community service hours.”
The Junior Historians have participated in events around Lawrence from Spring Arts Festival run by Lawrenceville Main Street to the Colonel Hand March. They plan to help the Society at events such as the Tanner Lecture and Hogmanay.
Furthermore, the Junior Historians are also planning special activities to promote local history to others in Lawrence. Additionally, the Junior Historians have received a proclamation from the town council to further educate Lawrencians on the town's history.
“This is a wonderful opportunity to educate children on our diverse local history in a fun way,” stated Society President, Katherine Meeker-Cohen. “We’re thrilled to support the students in this effort.”
The Junior Historians meet bimonthly on the first and third Wednesday of each month, from 7-8 pm at the historic Brearley House (see calendar for more updates).
For more information, please contact either Julia Ciccone ( or Nate Kunkel (